Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy for WishToBesties

At wish to besties, accessible from, one in every one of our main priorities is that the privacy of our guests. This Privacy Policy document contains styles of info that square measure collected and recorded by wish to besties

 and the way we tend to use it.

If you've got extra queries or need a lot of info concerning our Privacy Policy, don't hesitate to contact the U.S. through Facebook

Log Files

wish to besties follows a regular procedure of mistreatment log files. These files log guests once they visit websites. All hosting firms try this and a district of hosting services' analytics. the data collected by log files includes net protocol (IP) addresses, browser sortnet Service supplier (ISP), date and time stamp, referring/exit pages, and presumably the number of clicks. These don't seem to be coupled to any info that's in-person placeablethe aim of the data is for analyzing trends, administering the positioningfollowing users' movement on the web site, and gathering demographic info.

Cookies and internet Beacons

Like any different web sitewish to besties uses 'cookies'. These cookies square measure wont to store info as well as visitors' preferences, and therefore the pages on the web site that the traveler accessed or visited. The knowledge is employed to optimize the users' expertise by customizing our online page content supported visitors' browsers sort different information.

Google DoubleClick DART Cookie

Google is one in every of a third-party marketer on our web site. It additionally uses cookies, called DART cookies, to serve ads to our web site guests primarily based upon their visit to and different sites on the web. However, guests might like better to decline the utilization of DART cookies by visiting the Google ad and content network Privacy Policy at the subsequent URL –

Privacy Policies

You may consult this list to search out the Privacy Policy for every of the advertising partners of wish to besties

Third-party ad servers or ad networks use technologies like cookies, JavaScript, or internet Beacons that square measure employed in their several advertisements and links that seem on wish to bestiesthat square measure sent on to users' browsers. These technologies livewont to measure the effectiveness of their advertising campaigns and/or to individualize the advertising content that you simply see on websites that you simply visit.

Note that wish to besties has no access to or management over these cookies that square measure utilized by third-party advertisers.

Third-Party Privacy Policies

wish to besties Privacy Policy doesn't apply to different advertisers or websites. Thus, we tend to square measure advising you to consult the several Privacy Policies of those third-party ad servers for a lot of careful infoit should embody their practices and directions concerning a way to opt-out of sure choicesyou'll notice an entire list of those Privacy Policies and their links here: Privacy Policy Links.
 to grasp a lot of careful info concerning cookie management with specific internet browsers, it is often found at the browsers' several websites. What square measure Cookies?

Children's info

Another a part of our priority is adding protection for youngsters whereas mistreatment the web.

wish to besties doesn't wittingly collect any Personal placeable info from kids beneath the age of thirteen. If you're thinking that your kid provided this sort of data on our web sitewe tend to powerfully encourage you to contact the U.S. instantly and that we can do our greatest efforts to promptly take away such info from our records.

Online Privacy Policy solely

This Privacy Policy applies solely to our online activities and is valid for guests to our web site with regards to the data that they shared and/or collect in wish to besties

. This policy isn't applicable to any info collected offline or via channels apart from this web site.


By mistreatment our web site, you herewith consent to our Privacy Policy and comply with its Terms and Conditions.

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