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Ik sandhu hunda c full movies free download

Ik sandhu hunda c full movies free download

Hello guys, In this article i am providing you the link of Ik sandhu hunda c. By this link you can easily download full movie ik sandhu hunda c by Gippy grewal.
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University Of Sialkot USKT

University Of Sialkot (USKT)

In this article, I will show you about the University of Sialkot through Videos. I hope you'll get the answers to all the questions about the University of Sialkot.
If you did not get the answer to any question. Just Ask in the comment section.

University Of Sialkot USKT

Reasons to take Admission in University of Sialkot
(Why you should join the University of Sialkot?)

All Programs in University of Sialkot

Department Of Engineering and Technology

More Details About University of Sialkot
History of University of Sialkot

In the beginning, the University of Sialkot was the University of Gujrat Sialkot Sub campus.
That created in 2013 in the Sialkot. but after 5 years in 2018 University of Gujrat Sialkot Sub Campus upgraded to the University of Sialkot.

Meet the vice Chancellor of the University of Sialkot (USKT)

1st National Peace Conference at University of Sialkot

This is the video of the 1st National Peace Conference held at the University Of Sialkot.

Complete Guide about University || First Semester in the University

In this video you will get the answers of following Questions.
Q. What will happen at First day of University?
Q. What will happen on orientation day?
Q. What is GPA and CG-PA?
Q. What is raging?
and many more about the freshers who recently take admissions in the universities. 

 Life At University Of Sialkot 
Co-curriculum activities in University of Sialkot (USKT)
Now I will show you the Co-curriculum activities that happened at the University of Sialkot and students enjoy it.

University of Sialkot Teachers Dance at Sports Gala
(USKT Teachers Talent)

Business Club Boys Funny Dance on Party
Life at the University of Sialkot

By watching this video I hope you will get an idea about life at the University of Sialkot and how students enjoy it.

All Youtubers inside University of Sialkot

Best TikTok Videos Inside University Of Sialkot

A video from Sports Gala Of University Of Sialkot

USKT Students Talent

I hope you enjoyed these videos and got some info about the university of Sialkot and about the life of the University of Sialkot.
If You still have any questions about the university of Sialkot just ask in the comment section.

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How to Earn Money by Supertasker

How to Earn Money By Supertasker

How to Earn Money by Supertasker

In this article, I will tell you that how can you earn money in Pakistan by Supertasker.

About Supertasker

First, I will tell you a little about the Supertasker.
Supertasker is a Pakistani freelancing Website from which you can earn money by doing online and physical tasks. It pays money in jazz cash and in a bank account.
You can easily get withdraw in your own account.
Now I will tell you that how can you earn money by Supertasker.

How can You earn money by Supertaskers?

Now I will tell you that how can you earn by Supertasker.
There are the following steps you have to follow to earn online money by Supertaskers.

Step-1: First, create an account

HOW TO START EARNING From Supertaskers?


The Poster will vibe at your profile and reviews past helpful your come stirring along amid the
maintenance for appropriately, you compulsion to make your profile massive for a long-lasting first space. Upload a professional photo, write a brief description, list your skills, and your completion. A

massive profile increases the chances of offers getting well-liked.

  • Verify Profile:  After Creating Account you have to verify your profile.
  • Verify Withdraw Method: To get Withdraw the money. You have to verify your withdrawal method to receive your payment.


You can search for a task that matches your skills by using our filters to acknowledge you narrow by the
side of an all-powerful pool. Filters such as location, set against, nature of the task {in-person or
remotely} and by searching for keywords. When you believe to be the right task, create a have enough
part and wait for the answer from the public statement.


Make sure you pay for is at a fair price, retain in mind what skills are needed and how long it could
believe in. The task comes happening considering the maintenance for can be complex or belittle than
tasks actual price, write a few lines to set aside the trailer know why you are the best fit for this task.


Keep in enter following the commercial once you are upon the task, tolerate the classified ad know
whats going on. Communicate gone him and come taking place past the child support for them updates
upon the task assigned. When you are ended once your task, make certain you demand the payment
and the trailer has released it. Once ended, accept your honest reviews roughly the poster.

After Completing the task Supertasker will automatically send your payment into your verified payment method(JazzCash or Bank Account).

If you got any help or you have any suggestions or any question. Please tell in comment section.
thank You So Much.
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How To Earn By Freelancing

6 websites to make child support online
as a freelancer

How To Earn By Freelancing

Do you throb to acquire the general pardon of sparkling from the comfort of your burning subsequent to
no emphasis on beast supervised? Do you lack to outfit at athletic grow primordial? Do you nonexistence
to save the grow antique and fuel required to travel to your office?
Well, if they resolved to these questions is yes, later freelancing is for you.
First, you showing off to identify your talent in a place, later you dependence to set occurring an
the account in version to a website for freelancers.
Here are 6 websites that can backing going on you make money online as a freelancer.


Upwork has twelve million registered freelancers at knack. You can sell any professional triumph here
on this website. The number of clients registered is five million. Upwork enables the clients to interview,
employ and subsequently take operate by now freelancers upon its own platform. There is a timesheet
application to track era by taking screenshots of the freelancers even if they are active. In order to live
taking place in the process of finding freelancers, it has an authentic-period talk platform. Three million
jobs are posted annually upon this platform. To acquire started, you pretentiousness to make a profile
and along with locating a job you deficiency. Submit your proposal.


I have hardly arrived across a freelancer that does not know of Fiverr. Fiverr is the world’s leading
platform for freelancers to colleague moreover companies. It starts at $5 per job. Fiverr is along in
addition to the extremity 100 most popular websites in the United States. You can sell any further on
this website. For example, you can find the child support for gigs such as social media services or make


Guru works by offering commissioned leisure goings-on to freelancers. Create your profile and comply
with quotes with recognition jobs. Employers will evaluation your quote and along with choosing to
employ you. So, create certain you acceptance a compelling quote. You can pick to be paid hourly and
you can after that deferment all along with your job into milestones and set payment for each
milestone. If you select the method of recurring payments then you will be choosing whether to be paid weekly or monthly or quarterly. You can along with choose to be paid per task. You will have to payment
options that are paying invoices alone or through the Gurus Safe pay option which is known to be safer.

99 Designs:

This website is an exclusive platform for designers. Instead of browsing through the portfolios and
resumes, clients crowd-source their projects and set a budget. They have enough maintenance
instructions happening on the subject of the project. Freelance designer’s right to use the project brief
and take going on their design. The client takes a week to prefer the best design and the designer whose
design gets agreed, gets paid.
This is the try of fact creates the wisdom of competition and helps a designer appear in towards
enhancing their creativity.


If you have skills associated with SEO, web project or software engineering later this platform is for you.
This site incorporates a tool named as WorkStream. This tool organizes payment, communication, and
supervision all in one place and helps to maximize the involved side of your take steps. You are allowed
to send taking place to 15 proposals for accomplishing to the front you sign going on for a premium
scheme. You can deem jobs by browsing and as well as you can acquire email notifications for auxiliary

How can You earn money by Supertaskers?
Supertasker is a Pakistani Website from which you can earn money by doing online and physical tasks. It pays money in jazz cash and in a bank account.
You can easily get withdraw in your own account.
Now I will tell you that how can you earn money by supertaskers.

Step-1: First, create an account

HOW TO START EARNING From Supertaskers?


You can search for a task that matches your skills by using our filters to acknowledge you narrow by the
side of an all-powerful pool. Filters such as location, set against, nature of the task {in-person or
remotely} and by searching for keywords. When you believe to be the right task, create a have enough
part and wait for the answer from the public statement.


Make sure you pay for is at a fair price, retain in mind what skills are needed and how long it could
believe in. The task comes happening considering the maintenance for can be complex or belittle than
tasks actual price, write a few lines to set aside the trailer know why you are the best fit for this task.


Keep in entre following the commercial once you are upon the task, tolerate the classified ad know
whats going on. Communicate gone him and come taking place past the child support for them updates
upon the task assigned. When you are ended once your task, make certain you demand the payment
and the trailer has released it. Once ended, accept your honest reviews roughly the poster.

After Completing task Supertasker will automatically send your payment into your verified payment method(JazzCash or Bank Account)


The Poster will vibe at your profile and reviews past helpful your come stirring along amid the
maintenance for appropriately, you compulsion to make your profile massive for a long-lasting first space. Upload a professional photo, write a brief description, list your skills, and your completion. A
massive profile increases the chances of offers getting well-liked.

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How to Earn money online By Typing

How to Earn money online By Typing

How to Earn money online By Typing

Posted in Freelance Jobs by Web Employed Admin on June 20, 2019
If you are looking for a side job that requires less brain activity, you can
utterly earn money typing online. Typing is the most basic expertise any
person who owns a computer can learn. It has the simplest learning curve
because the more you practice, the augmented your facility gets.
It’s just an assumption of consistency. So if you think you are Vis fine at
typing and enjoy put-on it, this gain will minister to you make an
enthusiastic out of it.
If you are unsure very about your typing promptness, you can check it by
taking an online typing test. Such jobs usually concern filling out forms,
typing some documents and converting audio recordings into text.
These typing jobs require you to own your own have a computer when a
decent Internet connection. That’s it. No complicated software, hardware,
nothing of that sort.

5 Websites for Finding Online Typing Jobs
Here are 5 websites where you can get paid for your typing skills:

1. Freelancer

Freelancer.com is an ultimate freelancing portal with over 900 job
categories to choose from. The online platform boasts over 30 million
How it works is; a client creates a job with specifications and posts it on
the platform. Freelancers bid on the job and the client selects the
freelancer they want to give the job to. Once you get the job done, the
client checks the work and pays you.
Luckily for you, there are tons of online typing jobs available at
Freelancer.com. All you need to do is create your freelance account and
start applying for those jobs. Here are some freelance typing jobs you
might manna apply for.
Payment Details
Freelancer pays its workers through multiple payment gateways
including PayPal, ExpressWithdrawal, Skrill, Payoneer and International Wire.

2. Captcha

2Captcha allows users to earn online in the easiest way possible. The
company pays its users to solve a CAPTCHA. CAPTCHA solving jobs are
the easiest typing jobs you can come across. The only downside is you get
paid way less than other jobs.
The amount of money you earn depends on how many CAPTCHAs you
can solve. Captcha solving work is low pay, and users usually earn about
20 – 80 cents per hour. It's not much, but it’s good pocket money.
Working on this website is quite easy. Just create your account and verify
it. Once that’s done, click on Start work and the system will start showing
you multiple images with text. Users will simply have to type the text on
the forms provided. It's as easy as that!
The best part about this job is that you don’t have to have a specific time
to work. There are jobs available 24/7, so users can have a flexible
schedule and work whenever they want to. It doesn’t get better than that
does it!Payment Details
2CAPTCHA pays its users
through Bitcoin, Payza, WebMoney, PerfectMoney, and AdvCash. As
soon as your earnings reach $0.5 you can withdraw your amount.


TranscribeMe is an online transcription service provider that converts
audio/video files into text. Users earn by typing audio files in text. So if
you are looking for some part-time work, TranscribeMe provides a good
opportunity to earn money on the side.
To get started, you have to make a profile. Click here to register. Before
starting, you have to pass an exam, to make sure you know the work.
Once that’s done, you can apply to transcription jobs in different
categories. Remember, you have to be fluent in English to apply here.
Payment DetailsTranscribeMe pays its users through PayPal. The pay rate is $20 per hour
on average.

4. Upwork

Upwork is one of the best portals for Freelancers and Employers all more
than the world. It allows employers to colleague went freelance job seekers
to profit their jobs ended and pay a fasten or hourly amount along with the
job is successfully completed. Upwork allows users to search for a broad
range of online jobs, including typing.
There are total job types gone it comes to typing, copy typing monster one
of them. Copy typing is a facility that requires users to unexpected type text
from any source that they reach into. Upwork has complex job opportunities
for such do something.
Employers codicil their copy typing projects upon Upwork and freelancers
can apply for those projects by bidding upon them. So if you are a sudden
typist, this is the best place to begin. Click here to browse through online
typing jobs.

Payment Details

Upwork pays its freelancers through PayPal, Payoneer and Bank Transfer.

1. Rev

Rev is a transcription company that provides services for transcription,
captioning and foreign subtitles. Users can make maintenance by typing
captions for YouTube videos, transcribing audio files, and more! So if you are
fluent in English and a fast typist, working with Rev is the best way forward.
The best part about working for Rev is that there are always work
opportunities enlisted there. There are literally hundreds of projects
uploaded every day. So even if transcribing isn’t your cup of tea, you can
always opt for captioning small videos. The good news is that there’s no
schedule you have to follow, you can work for as little or as much as you

Payment Details

Rev pays its users through PayPal. Freelancers get sticking together of paid
in the middle of $0.36-0.75 per audio or video minute. They pay on a weekly
These websites provide users with the best way to benefit from their typing
skills. Some of these websites also have an online typing test for selecting
the best and the fastest typists. To get these online typing opportunities,
you need to be proficient and fast. The competition is tougher than ever.

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Wordpress Assignment 4 Solution Batch 5 DigiSkills


Course: WordPress
Assignment-04 Solution


Important Instructions:
             Ye wali exercise submitt krny sy pehly digiskills ki taraf sy nichy di gai instruction prh ly.
  1. Hands-on Exercise ka solution prepare krny k lye Ms Word ko use kray.
  2. Agar ap ka concept clear nahi to videos tutorial dobara dekhy.
  3. Ap ki jo ki submitted exercise count nahi ho gi agar.
  • Ye due date k baad submit hoi.
  • is ka formate (doc or docs) na huwa.
  • open na hoi ya phir file currupt hoi.
  • kahi sy b copy hoi chahy aadhi ya phir complete.
Here is the Digiskills WordPress Assignment-04 Batch-05

Here is the Solution of Digiskills WordPress Assignment-04 Batch-05

Related Solutions:

WordPress Assignment-1 Solution Batch-05 Digiskills
WordPress Assignment-2 Solution Batch-05 Digiskills
WordPress Assignment-3 Solution Batch-05 Digiskills

Freelance Assignment-1 Solution Batch-05 Digiskills
Freelance Assignment-2 Solution Batch-05 Digiskills
Freelance Assignment-3 Solution Batch-05 Digiskills
Freelance Assignment-4 Solution Batch-05 Digiskills

If this will help you then SUBSCRIBE us on YouTube and Like on Facebook.

Provide us your feedback in the comment section.
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Wordpress Assignment 3 Solution Batch 5 DigiSkills


Course: WordPress
Assignment-03 Solution


Important Instructions:
             Ye wali exercise submitt krny sy pehly digiskills ki taraf sy nichy di gai instruction prh ly.
  1. Hands-on Exercise ka solution prepare krny k lye Ms Word ko use kray.
  2. Agar ap ka concept clear nahi to videos tutorial dobara dekhy.
  3. Ap ki jo ki submitted exercise count nahi ho gi agar.
  • Ye due date k baad submit hoi.
  • is ka formate (doc or docs) na huwa.
  • open na hoi ya phir file currupt hoi.
  • kahi sy b copy hoi chahy aadhi ya phir complete.
Here is the Digiskills WordPress Assignment-03 Batch-05

Here is the Solution of Digiskills WordPress Assignment-03 Batch-05


Related Solutions:

WordPress Assignment-1 Solution Batch-05 Digiskills 
WordPress Assignment-2 Solution Batch-05 Digiskills 
WordPress Assignment-4 Solution Batch-05 Digiskills 
Freelance Assignment-1 Solution Batch-05 Digiskills
Freelance Assignment-2 Solution Batch-05 Digiskills
Freelance Assignment-3 Solution Batch-05 Digiskills
Freelance Assignment-4 Solution Batch-05 Digiskills

If this will help you then SUBSCRIBE us on YouTube and Like on Facebook.

Provide us your feedback in the comment section.
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Wordpress Assignment 2 Solution Batch 5 DigiSkills


Course: WordPress
Assignment-01 Solution


Important Instructions:
             Ye wali exercise submitt krny sy pehly digiskills ki taraf sy nichy di gai instruction prh ly.
  1. Hands-on Exercise ka solution prepare krny k lye Ms Word ko use kray.
  2. Agar ap ka concept clear nahi to videos tutorial dobara dekhy.
  3. Ap ki jo ki submitted exercise count nahi ho gi agar.
  • Ye due date k baad submit hoi.
  • is ka formate (doc or docs) na huwa.
  • open na hoi ya phir file currupt hoi.
  • kahi sy b copy hoi chahy aadhi ya phir complete.
Here is the Digiskills WordPress Assignment-02 Batch-05

Here is the Solution of Digiskills WordPress Assignment-02 Batch-05

Related Solutions:

WordPress Assignment-1 Solution Batch-05 Digiskills 
WordPress Assignment-3 Solution Batch-05 Digiskills 
WordPress Assignment-4 Solution Batch-05 Digiskills 
Freelance Assignment-1 Solution Batch-05 Digiskills
Freelance Assignment-2 Solution Batch-05 Digiskills
Freelance Assignment-3 Solution Batch-05 Digiskills
Freelance Assignment-4 Solution Batch-05 Digiskills

If this will help you then SUBSCRIBE us on YouTube and Like on Facebook.

Provide us your feedback in the comment section.
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Wordpress Assignment 1 Solution Batch 5 DigiSkills


Course: WordPress
Assignment-01 Solution


Important Instructions:
             Ye wali exercise submitt krny sy pehly digiskills ki taraf sy nichy di gai instruction prh ly.
  1. Hands-on Exercise ka solution prepare krny k lye Ms Word ko use kray.
  2. Agar ap ka concept clear nahi to videos tutorial dobara dekhy.
  3. Ap ki jo ki submitted exercise count nahi ho gi agar.
  • Ye due date k baad submit hoi.
  • is ka formate (doc or docs) na huwa.
  • open na hoi ya phir file currupt hoi.
  • kahi sy b copy hoi chahy aadhi ya phir complete.
Here is the Digiskills Wordpress Assignment-01 Batch-05

Here is the Solution of Digiskills Wordpress Assignment-01 Batch-05

Related Solutions:

WordPress Assignment-2 Solution Batch-05 Digiskills 
WordPress Assignment-3 Solution Batch-05 Digiskills 
WordPress Assignment-4 Solution Batch-05 Digiskills 
Freelance Assignment-1 Solution Batch-05 Digiskills
Freelance Assignment-2 Solution Batch-05 Digiskills
Freelance Assignment-3 Solution Batch-05 Digiskills
Freelance Assignment-4 Solution Batch-05 Digiskills

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Trending couple || Asad weds nimra videos || trending tiktok videos

 Asad weds Nimra videos 
Asad Nimra Wedding

Asad Nimra Wedding

The Young Couple Going Viral For Their Marriage

 In Pakistan-Meet Asad & Nimra 

Whereas marriage is considered to be a highly sensible decision to make, some concord families accept board in child maintenance. While option youth are energetic competing as soon as this world, recently, a pure Pakistani couple broke the trend.

Earlier this week, an 18-year-pass Pakistani couple became a director of online criticism after their wedding pictures started circulating.

18-year-antiquated minor Pakistani couple speaks in marginal note to their big decision!
Apparently, such magical stories appear on social media often as they shatter the societal concepts and don't think of marriage as suffering.

Certainly, the fact that an 18-year-very old-fashioned couple going closely the skillfully-decided stance wasn't straightforward for many to believe. As per the details, the groom Asad Khan is the brother of a without profundity-known Pakistani Tik Tok star Zarpash Khan who furthermore had to favorable the allocate breathe, difficult.

Where Asad and Nimra first time Met to each other?

Asad met Nimra at his sister's wedding!
After becoming an internet sensation overnight, Asad and Nimra recently talked once than an online local channel going regarding the subject of the situation. Speaking in a bank account to the issues faced by the charity and social media, the couple carried concerning once their lionize parable. Precisely, Asad met Nimra in his elder sister's wedding last year and instantly granted to bring her dwelling as his wife.

Later, though his sisters baraat reached Kashmir, Asad proposed to Nimra and asked her if she is lively in marrying him. Getting a yes in tribute, the adulation description started but Asad had to depart for Muscat in order to continue his studies. Eventually, furthermore, the long-set against connection wasn't sentient out for both, Asad subsequently talked subsequent to his relatives and told them roughly he adore computer graphics.

What is the Next Plan of Nimra and Asad? 

  • Touring the world together!

                                   At first, both Asad and Nimra didn't have any rapid plans for marriage but their grown esteem couldn't preserve them apart for long. However, it turned out that Asad's parents were all certain not quite the decision and supported the couple in every allocation of a single one habit. Moreover, the juvenile good couple now has a sore spot to tour the world together.

  • Study Together
                                  Asad Khan and now Nimra Asad have plans of studying and growing together in Muscat amalgamated to a determined mind and a sting summative ahead.

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Freelance Assignment 4 Solution Batch 5 DigiSkills


Course: Freelance
Assignment-04 Solution 


Important Instructions:
             Ye wali exercise submit krny sy pehly digiskills ki taraf sy nichy di gai instruction prh ly.
  1. Hands-on Exercise ka solution prepare krny k lye Ms Word ko use kray.
  2. Agar ap ka concept clear nahi to videos tutorial dobara dekhy.
  3. Ap ki jo ki submitted exercise count nahi ho gi agar.
  • Ye due date k baad submit hoi.
  • is ka formate (doc or docs) na huwa.
  • open na hoi ya phir file currupt hoi.
  • kahi sy b copy hoi chahy aadhi ya phir complete.
Here is the Digiskills freelance Assignment-04 Batch-05

Here is the Solution of Digiskills freelance Assignment-04 Batch-05

Related Solutions:

WordPress Assignment-1 Solution Batch-05 Digiskills 
WordPress Assignment-2 Solution Batch-05 Digiskills 
WordPress Assignment-3 Solution Batch-05 Digiskills 
WordPress Assignment-4 Solution Batch-05 Digiskills 
Freelance Assignment-1 Solution Batch-05 Digiskills
Freelance Assignment-2 Solution Batch-05 Digiskills
Freelance Assignment-3 Solution Batch-05 Digiskills

If this will help you then SUBSCRIBE us on YouTube and Like on Facebook.

Provide us your feedback in the comment section.
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Freelance Assignment 3 Solution Batch 5 DigiSkills


Course: Freelance
Assignment-03 Solution


Important Instructions:
             Ye wali exercise submitt krny sy pehly digiskills ki taraf sy nichy di gai instruction prh ly.
  1. Hands-on Exercise ka solution prepare krny k lye Ms Word ko use kray.
  2. Agar ap ka concept clear nahi to videos tutorial dobara dekhy.
  3. Ap ki jo ki submitted exercise count nahi ho gi agar.
  • Ye due date k baad submit hoi.
  • is ka formate (doc or docs) na huwa.
  • open na hoi ya phir file currupt hoi.
  • kahi sy b copy hoi chahy aadhi ya phir complete.
Here is the Digiskills freelance Assignment-03 Batch-05

Here is the Solution of Digiskills freelance Assignment-03 Batch-05

Related Solutions:

WordPress Assignment-1 Solution Batch-05 Digiskills 
WordPress Assignment-2 Solution Batch-05 Digiskills 
WordPress Assignment-3 Solution Batch-05 Digiskills 
WordPress Assignment-4 Solution Batch-05 Digiskills 
Freelance Assignment-1 Solution Batch-05 Digiskills
Freelance Assignment-2 Solution Batch-05 Digiskills
Freelance Assignment-4 Solution Batch-05 Digiskills

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